• Original Articles By Dr. Lavin Featuring Expert Advice & Information about Pediatric Health Issues that you Care the Most About

    Good News on the Influenza Virus Epidemic of 2017-2018: The Flu Shot Works Best in Children

    By Dr. Arthur Lavin

    This update will be very brief, it has one piece of very reassuring news:

    The CDC just reported the efficacy of this year’s flu shots, the ones we give in the office.


    Remember before the influenza virus appeared in December rumors were flying around that this year’s batch was a bust, predicted to work 10% of the time?

    The CDC was quick to point out that’s how well it worked in Australia, where only the elderly and very ill get a flu shot, the group least likely for it to work in.

    Based on some preliminary actual experiences in the US, the CDC went on record early in the winter predicting this year’s flu shot would work 30% of the time.

    So here we go, how well did it work, in America, in our children, we now know the answer.

    To summarize:

    • The first prediction was that it would work 10% of the time.
    • Then the CDC predicted it would work 30% of the time.
    • We now know, this year’s flu shot actually has worked, in the US, in children, 50% of the time, nearly double the success expected!


    That makes this year’s flu vaccine, the one we have given since August/September of 2017, and still give today, as effective as any seasonal flu vaccine.

    We are so happy so many of you are protected!

    To your health,
    Dr. Arthur Lavin


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